HomeBlogGalen Framework 101: A quick Guide for Layout Testing

Galen Framework 101: A quick Guide for Layout Testing




 Galen Framework is an open-source tool that revolutionizes test automation for responsive websites, integrating seamlessly with Selenium for comprehensive cross-browser testing. This Java-based framework ensures that web applications adapt flawlessly to various browsers and devices, addressing the critical aspects of Responsive Web Design (RWD) which adjusts layout, size, and graphics to the user’s screen.

By leveraging its unique syntax and rules for layout testing, Galen Framework simplifies the validation of elements’ positions relative to each other, enhancing test automation practices. It stands out as a pivotal solution for developers and testers aiming to assure the quality of user interfaces across multiple platforms.

Understanding Galen Framework’s Core Features

Galen Framework stands out in the realm of test automation primarily due to its specialized language, Galen Specs, which simplifies the process of describing and verifying the positioning and alignment of elements on web pages. This language is not only human-readable but also allows for intricate specifications tailored to different browser window sizes. The framework’s ability to integrate seamlessly with tools like Selenium enhances its utility, enabling it to interact with web elements effectively to capture their locations and dimensions.

One of the key strengths of Galen Framework is its comprehensive support for responsive and layout testing. This is crucial in today’s digital landscape where new mobile devices and browsers are frequently released. The framework’s testing capabilities are designed with responsive design in mind, making it straightforward to set up tests that adapt to various browser sizes. Additionally, Galen Framework supports a variety of programming environments, allowing tests to be written in both JavaScript and Java, which are bolstered by detailed HTML reports that include error reporting, screenshots, and image comparisons.

Moreover, Galen Framework’s licensing under the Apache License, Version 2.0, ensures it is free to use, promoting a wide adoption among developers and testers. Its compatibility with multiple testing environments such as Selenium Grid and cloud services like BrowserStack facilitates extensive cross-browser testing. This capability is further enhanced by the framework’s ability to run tests in different languages and its rich set of features for creating visual tests, including image comparisons and verification of color schemes.

Getting Started with Galen Framework

To initiate your journey with Galen Framework, begin by downloading the latest version from its official website. Ensure you have the appropriate drivers for your browser: geckodriver for Firefox and chromedriver for Chrome. These are crucial as Galen relies on Selenium to interact with web elements, and setting the path for these drivers in the global configuration file is essential.

Step-by-Step Setup

  1. Installation: After downloading the necessary files, install Galen Framework and the browser drivers.
  2. Project Setup: Create a directory for your test project. Within this directory, create a home-page.gspec file to define objects and their locators.
  3. Writing Tests: In the.gspec file, you can start by writing simple checks. For example, to verify the header height on the homepage, you would write header: height 40px.

Running Your First Test

To run your first test, open your terminal, navigate to your project folder, and execute the following command:

$ galen check home-page.gspec--url http://samples.galenframework.com/tutorial1/tutorial1.html--size 640x480--htmlreport.

This command launches the browser, navigates to the specified URL, and performs the layout checks defined in your.gspec file. It then generates an HTML report in your project folder, providing a detailed overview of the test results.

For further guidance, the Galen Framework website offers comprehensive documentation, a helpful “First Project” tutorial, and community support through Google Groups for troubleshooting. If you encounter any issues or have specific questions about your test code or setup, these resources are invaluable. Additionally, any bugs or problems can be reported directly on GitHub, ensuring continuous improvement and support from the developer community.

Galen Framework

Advanced Techniques in Galen Framework

Best Practices and Advanced Testing Techniques

For those delving deeper into the capabilities of the Galen Framework, understanding and implementing advanced testing techniques is crucial. Best practices for testing responsive designs are foundational, including checks for element visibility and usability across various browser sizes. This involves verifying interactive elements like hover functionality and ensuring that AJAX requests behave consistently across different environments. Additionally, padding and browser compatibility must be scrutinized to guarantee a seamless user experience on all devices.

Integration with Real Device Testing Platforms

Galen Framework’s compatibility with cloud-based testing platforms such as Experitest, Sauce Labs, and BrowserStack enhances its utility by supporting real mobile devices, including iPhones and Androids. This integration allows testers to execute more realistic tests, reflecting actual user interactions and environments. These platforms facilitate the testing of applications under diverse conditions without the need for physical device labs, streamlining the testing process and increasing its accuracy.

Enhanced Reporting and Multi-Language Support

The framework’s advanced reporting capabilities are invaluable for pinpointing issues quickly. An HTML test report is generated, detailing all test objects on a page and highlighting elements that fail tests. This visual feedback is crucial for rapid iteration and correction of layout issues. Moreover, Galen supports test script writing in Basic Syntax, JavaScript, and Java, catering to various developer preferences and project requirements. Each language offers unique advantages, from quick access and powerful test configuration in Basic Syntax to complex problem-solving and custom test framework development in JavaScript.


As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the significance of tools like the Galen Framework grows, underscoring the necessity of responsive design testing in creating seamless user experiences. The overview presented encourages further exploration and adoption of Galen Framework within the testing community, suggesting a pathway towards more resilient and adaptive web applications. By harnessing the power of Galen Framework, developers and testers are better equipped to meet the challenges of modern web development, ensuring that applications perform flawlessly regardless of the device or browser.



Mehdi Shokoohi

Software Quality Engineer

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